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Why is my anthurium losing flowers?

The anthurium plant is popular in many homes, and its beauty makes it all the more distressing when your plant is losing flowers. Bloomscape's Grow-How® Team offers some anthurium care tips if your plant's flowers are falling off or you can’t convince your anthurium to bloom.

Natural Life Cycle

The good news is, it’s likely that this plant is just losing its blooms as a part of its natural life cycle! A well-tended anthurium blooms all year round in approximately 3-month intervals, so your plant could be in-between blooms. However, this tropical plant can also be temperamental if not tended properly, and if your plant’s flowers and leaves are fading or wilting you may need to make some changes.

To encourage healthy growth, cut them off any wilting or browning flowers with sharp shears to ensure the plant devotes more energy to retaining its healthy flowers. If your plant’s health continues deteriorating, here are some of the common reasons why your anthurium is losing flowers, and how to help it recover.

Overwatering or Underwatering

Both too frequent and too infrequent watering can cause anthuriums to lose their flowers. Watering too frequently can cause root rot and kill your plant altogether. If your plant’s leaves are turning brown or wilting along with losing flowers, you need to make some quick course corrections in your plant care routine.

Water your Anthurium well and then allow 50-75% of the soil volume to dry out before watering again. Always water thoroughly until you see water drip through the drainage hole and into the saucer, then discard that excess water after a few minutes.

Cold Damage

Anthurium plants are tropical flower plants and require warm temperatures to thrive. While indoor plants are usually kept warm enough, cold damage can occur due to overzealous AC units or during winter. Your Anthurium prefers temperatures between 65-80°F during the day and no cooler than 60°F at night. Air circulation can help your plant, but avoid placing it near heating and air conditioning vents and fans.

Improper Light Conditions

The more light the plant receives, the more flowers your plant will produce – but too much sunlight will cause the flowers to die off. Keep the plant away from direct light and instead in a spot with bright indirect light.

Improper Humidity

Your Anthurium loves a humid environment, so misting daily can help your plant recover. Use a pebble tray or a humidifier during the winter months when the air tends to be much drier.

Need more help?

We're confident your Anthurium will be back to normal in no-time, but if you've followed the steps above and things just aren't improving you can contact us here.